Welcome to our Video Gallery! Here you will find many powerful teachings that Pastor Mark and Pastor Kim and the rest of our anointed Pastors have delivered to our wonderfully anointed church family. Each video has a message that was inspired by the Holy Spirit
This page contains vidoes for the year 2019. You may view our prior years' videos in the links above labled Video Gallery 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017 and now 2018.
Check back often for new videos or to simply fill up with God’s powerful word!
Each video has a full screen option. Simply click on the box located at the bottom right corner of the video you wish to view in full screen. To exit the full screen mode click on the escape button of your keyboard. (For desktop users only)
01-06-2019 Sunday Service | 01-08-2019 Fishers of Men | 01-09-2019 Mid-Week Srvc |
01-13-2019 Sunday Service | 01-16-2019 Mid-Week Srvc | 01-20-2019 Sunday Service |
01-23-2019 MId-Week Srvc | 01-27-2019 Sunday Service |