LFFWC recieves the first 50 chairs!!! Beautiful Royal Blue!
Sidewalk coming up at Living Faith Family Worship Church!
Building Expansion at Living Faith Family Worship Church
Thursday, May 21, 2015 Crosses are coming up in the name of Jesus!
Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Thanks to the men who came out and helped get the first flag poles up.... more to come in Jesus name!
LFFWC is always on the move. Check out our "Current Events" on the main page and join us for whatever event we are hosting or being a part of. A new page has been added to this website titled "Put the Word to Work". You can find that under the Scripture Reference button on the menu bar.
LFFWC is happy to announce that in just a few short weeks, we will be broadcasting our church services live via the internet. Streaming video and sound is made possible by camstreams. The feed is currently available on the homepage of the website. Stay tuned because we might be running a few test runs soon. Please continue to lift us in prayer while we march forward for Jesus!
January 19, 2015 LFCR has been transitioned to Grace Acres!
We have just added a new page to our website titled "Video Gallery". This new page contains most of our videos from our services here at Living Faith Family Worship Church.
We are happy to announce that our first buildings have arrived on Grace Acres. We have had three services at our facilities already. Also, Living Faith Christian Radio is being broadcast via the internet. God is so faithful and has blessed Living Faith Family Worship Chuch in abundance. Stay tuned for more!
LFCR is on the move...
Living Faith Christian Radio will be transitioning to Grace Acres very soon. When this transition takes effect, we will be off the air for a few days until we have all of our equipment situated and our network restored to full transmitting power. Our prayer lines will remain open during this transition, so please do not hesitate to utilize them. We will post notification dates of the transition here on this website and on our social media accounts as soon as they become available. Thank you for your continued prayer and support of this radio station ministry.